Journey 1 — Discover You

You belong here just as much as anyone else.

I understand how to journey with you Focusing on You, and what you love in life because…

What you love in life is something so unique, and so yours, that nobody else on the planet will understand it. And once you bring it out it becomes something so powerful and so beautiful.

My intention as an artist and an art therapist to create for you…

1. A Safe Space: a supportive and non-judgmental environment where you feel comfortable expressing yourself and exploring your creativity.

2. Encourage Self-Expression: Emphasize the importance of self-expression and authenticity in art, encouraging you to create without fear of criticism.

3. Promote Problem-Solving: Encourage you to approach artistic challenges as opportunities for growth and problem-solving.

4. Celebrate Progress: Celebrate the progress and achievements of you, no matter how small, to boost your confidence and motivation.

Feel all your feelings through the creative process of making art. It can also be wildly liberating because there are no rules in art. Instead, you're encouraged to explore, have fun and play- there is no such thing as "good or bad" art.

Make it! Because…

When the mind is focused on creating, there is less room for stress and worry. From here, you can "detach" from, and process challenging and emotional experiences. I will walk with you through every step of the process. Encourage you to explore new ideas and perspectives through art. This welcoming space where you can develop your skills and explore your creativity. Make it and watch your confidence and imagination grow!